Artistic Director NZ Singing School, Napier



Since 1997 Judy has been a Tutor at the New Zealand Singing School, Toi Wānanga Te Waiata. In 2003 she was invited to become the Artistic Director of the School,  and since then the School has blossomed, each School having a full complement of 80 students in the twin disciplines of Classical singing and Music Theatre. Her leadership style has been described as “inclusive”, “practical”, “innovative” and “inspired” and one student wrote simply  “…Judy is great…”

One of her innovations has been the creation of an Artist-in-Residence, a post which was very successfully fulfilled by soprano Anna Leese in the most recent School. The Artist-in-Residence for the 2013 School is Broadway star Liz Callaway.

Judy has been reappointed  as Artistic Director of the 2013 School.


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